NONSTOP PRESS is proud to announce the acquisition of SCIENCE FICTION: THE 101 BEST  NOVELS: 1985-2010, co-authored by Damien Broderick and Paul Di Filippo. Inspired by David Pringle’s landmark volume, SCIENCE FICTION: THE 100 BEST NOVELS, which appeared in 1985, this volume will supplement the earlier selection with the authors’ choice of the best SF novels issued in English during the past quarter-century. David Pringle will provide a foreword, and publication will occur in early 2012. Some of the selections from 1992:

25 Stephen Baxter, Timelike Infinity

26 Richard Calder, Dead Girls

27 Steven Gould, Jumper

28 Maureen F. McHugh, China Mountain Zhang

29 Kim Stanley Robinson, Red Mars

30 Vernor Vinge, A Fire Upon the Deep

31 Walter Jon Williams, Aristoi

32  Connie Willis, Doomsday Book

Shown above is the jacket design by Luis Ortiz.