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Sale books
Arts Unknown: The Life & Art of Lee Brown Coye
Hardcover, 176 pgs. over 400 illustrations, many in full color.
Other Spaces, Other Times
A Life Spent in the Future by Robert Silverberg. Hardcover, 200 pgs. OUT-OF-PRINT, we have a few copies on hand.

Hardcover; over 200 illustrations in color and b&w, including rare photographs and art.
Paint or Pixel: The Digital Divide in Illustration Art
Out-Of-Print. Trade edition. 160 pgs, 120 full color illustrations; together with DRM-free pdf.
Steampunk Prime
Trade paper, 240 pgs.
Why New Yorkers Smoke
Trade paperback
Why New Yorkers Smoke Ebook
Epub (nook, iPad) and mobi (Kindle) DRM free; trade paperback also for 50% off at anytime after ebook purchase.